
Google hangouts for windows phone
Google hangouts for windows phone

google hangouts for windows phone


In many cases they offer a far better experience to Google’s offerings both on the web and on their Android devices. As a result Microsoft has a fully realised web eco system, SkyDrive, Office on the Web, Outlook, Bing and MSN to name a few headliners. Microsoft has invested countless millions into building out an entire web platform to compete with Google, much in the same way Google built its own OS to do the same. "It simply doesn’t leave much wiggle room for Google to offer a compelling set of apps" It’s possible this early first move may have been sufficient to keep Google away from Windows Phone. The question has to be asked, where would Google fit onto a device that has Bing search hardwired into a dedicated search button? By integrating Bing into Windows Phone by way of a dedicated physical button Microsoft has clearly determined there is no place for Google search on their newest platform.


Is it here more than anywhere else that the future betting and eco system play can be seen clearly, Microsoft like Google owns the full stack. On the Microsoft side there is currently no better place to experience the full gamut of Microsoft’s services line-up than what you find Windows Phone. Google roll most of their products into the Android platform, this is their delivery system and if you are invested in Google products and services this is where you can find them all. Both companies by their own endeavours now look staggeringly similar, Search, Mail, Operating Systems, Productivity Software, Mobile and Mapping. In many ways Microsoft and Google seemingly have something to compete with the other in almost every product field. Google for the time being have a place on iOS because they can offer Apples users something which Apple cannot itself. For now, Google will benefit from all the data points that iPhone users will provide as they trundle about using their Google maps platform. It is something Apple has been working hard to rectify but after their maps fiasco backfired so publicly they might be feeling too burnt to try that again. It is easy for Google to provide alternative search, maps and even mail on Apple’s iOS devices because Apple is either missing entirely some services or doesn’t have the same level of depth in some offerings. The reason why Google is present on iOS is two–fold, it has sufficient numbers of users to data mine and it has a weak collection of service offerings. Often they fail to explore the real reasons why. So we often hear how Google make apps for Apples iOS devices and that example is held high by many who wish to make something of the lack of Google apps for Windows Phone. Why would they bother? "Does Windows Phone need Google and its services to be successful, no." Perhaps just a placeholder on the Windows Phone Store in case someone else takes their name? Google on Windows Phone is not an app, not by any stretch of the imagination. Google search on Windows Phone is one of the most basic apps available, barely enough to call itself a real app. Google has no presence on Windows Phone at all (save for a lousy search "app") they have not committed any resources since the platform launched. The recent ‘news’ announcement on not committing time or resources to developing for Windows Phone is somewhat disingenuous.

Google hangouts for windows phone